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I'm Mickey Beijer, a game developer based in Amsterdam.


Everyone has to start somewhere, and so had I. I started as an application developer in 2009 where I mainly build web-based applications. This is how I learned to code, which proved to be a valuable knowledge later on.


In 2012 I finally started on my real goal: game developing. I started with Actionscript 3, also known as Flash, since it's the easiest way to start your first games.

Soon enough I produced my first real game, Dino Attack. It wasn't the greatest game or anything, but for a first game, I like to think it's quite an accomplishment. ​


As of now I'm still learning a lot about game developing, but I'm learning new things every day which surely will lead to better games.


If you have any questions or comments, click here to contact me.

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